Saturday, November 27, 2004

Banana Republic...

Are we turning into a Banana Republic? We just had an election that was decisively won by President Bush but we have a handful of knuckleheads that are screaming it was not fair and was stolen. They want a judge to step in and overturn the results. They cant imagine that any sane person doesn't think like they do. They scream about going to Canada or seceding. Is this the Ukraine? Civil war may break out in that country over their recent election. We cant ever allow our country to get to that point. If the party that doesn't win is unwilling to accept defeat and work to win the next time we are no better some Banana Republic...

Giving Thanks...

Just some of the things I am thankful for. There are many but I just list a few.

My terrific wife.
Having a great family and extended family.
Being gainfully employed.
Good health.
Being an American.
President Bush being re-elected.
The Swiftboat Vets.
The Voters of Ohio and Florida.
Having some dedicated patriotic men and women that stand between me and the bad guys.
No terrorist attacks in this country.
The Red Sox won the World Series.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Some on the left are screaming that the election was stolen again. Once more the nasty Republicans have rigged the election and tampered with the voting machines. Cmon... aren't these "intellectuals" supposed to be way too smart to "get screwed" again. The "neanderthal knuckle draggers" in the red states must have "outsmarted" them. Now some are calling for the blue states to succede and have called the red states welfare recipiants of the blue states. They also can't imagine people not seeing things their way. When you never associate with anyone other than like-minded liberals this is how you think. Seems a lot of those complaining the loudest are the younger people who are spending Mom and Dad's money to socialize at college. A quick look at the final election talley shows that Kerry won only 2 states with 60% or more of the vote. Bush won 14 states with 60% or more of the vote. That seems to be a mandate to me...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

What the Future Holds...

Now that the elections are over the talking heads are already "nominating" their choices for 2008. John McCain, Hillary, John Edwards, and Evan Bayh seem to be on the short list. Who else is pondering a run? Will Cheney still be the VP when this 2nd term ends? If it is a different person will they be electable? Is there another "Ross Perot" out there?
When will they learn? In 2008 it will have been 48 years since an active seated member of Congress was elected President. The career path for President seems to be that of Governor. Makes sense to me. That is a management job and not the "negotiating" job of a member of Congress.
The Democrats need to stop referring to anyone who disagrees with one of their issues as idiots, racist, sexist, homophoic, unenlightned, uneducated etc. They are a very fractured party that seems to be getting pulled apart by all the different factions. They will continue to lose seats in Congress if they dont "reach out" to middle America with issues that are important to them. They need to stop going home to million dollar houses, drive expensive SUVs, being worth millions of dollars but only pay 12% in taxes and telling people they know best and are looking out for them.
The Republicans need to lighten up on some social issues. They have to support good qualified candidates that have differing views and dont walk lockstep with the far right wing. They should take a page out of the Arnold's book. Conservative on fiscal issues and middle of the road on social issues. That crosses over party lines and he proved it. Better the Republicans do it then a Democratic "Arnold" candidate. They need to nominate, run and elect more minority candidates. A strong conservative Hispanic or Asian candidate would win a congress or senate seat in California. A strong African-American conservative candidate could win big in NY, PA, MI, and Florida. The first female President will not be a liberal white woman from the North East who is still stuck in the 60s but a conservative forward looking minority woman.

Election Observation...

Well... its finally over. Thank goodness. Just a few of my observations. I am glad that GWB won and I think we will continue to move in a good direction and be safer at home. I think Kerry was very gracious in his concession speech. It is fun to read about how some of the Dems are already going off about how the voting machines were rigged and once again they were robbed. Sad and scary yet fun.
I wonder how much the Swift Vets, Michael Moore, and bloggers impacted the outcome.
Did 4 damaging hurricanes, all of which seemed to happen over the weekend, hurt Kerry's campaign by the MSM covering them and not the spin meisters on the Sunday morning shows? Clinton's heart problems? Dan Rather's blunder?
Did the debates hurt Bush? How much did Hollywood and George Soros hurt him? The Iraq situation?
10 years from now we will know whether Bush made good or bad decisions. Nothing in D.C. happens overnight regardless of what candidates tell you.
The Dems keep getting dumber. They got clobbered in 2000, 2002, 2003 (in CA recall), and again in 2004. The real defeat for the Dems was losing 4 more seats in the Senate. The Republicans have been picking off choice Senate seats like a Marine sniper in Fallujah. They seem to be a very fractured party. East coast intellectuals, west coast environmental activists, anti-war geriatric hippies, union leaders, pro-choice etc all trying to pull the party their way. Now they are pointing fingers all over to look for blame and what went wrong. Once again they are doing the now famous Democratic circular firing squad.

Monday, November 01, 2004

A Day To Go....

One more day!

I am so tired of hearing talking heads talk about polls numbers. Swing state polls. Likely voter polls. If the election were held today polls. Undecided voter polls. Senior Polls. Men over 29 polls. Female likely voter polls. Red Sox fan polls...
This guy up a point today. That guy up a point tomorrow...
What it means if the Redskins win or lose the last Sunday before election...
What it means if there are 2 full moons in the October before an election...

We have been seeing Kerry and Edwards for the last year and a half. When did campaigning turn into a career?
When Kerry loses he will still be a Senator. Seems the people of MA have not gotten much representation in the Senate for the 18 months. Same for NC. Lets shorten the whole campaign. Let it start in August and run for 3 months. That is plenty of time for a candidate to get his platform out to the voters. Think of the money it will save the taxpayer too. Who is picking up the tab for Air Force One to fly all over? Same for the Kerry plane? Who is paying for all the security at these campaign stops? What about travel and security for the wives and kids when they go out on the stump? How about the inconvience for people when these guys come to some town for a 15 minute campaign photo op?

Lets just get it over with...