Some on the left are screaming that the election was stolen again. Once more the nasty Republicans have rigged the election and tampered with the voting machines. Cmon... aren't these "intellectuals" supposed to be way too smart to "get screwed" again. The "neanderthal knuckle draggers" in the red states must have "outsmarted" them. Now some are calling for the blue states to succede and have called the red states welfare recipiants of the blue states. They also can't imagine people not seeing things their way. When you never associate with anyone other than like-minded liberals this is how you think. Seems a lot of those complaining the loudest are the younger people who are spending Mom and Dad's money to socialize at college. A quick look at the final election talley shows that Kerry won only 2 states with 60% or more of the vote. Bush won 14 states with 60% or more of the vote. That seems to be a mandate to me...
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