And the Winner Is...
I hope that we will hear that being said at the end of January after the elections in Iraq. When the Iraqis have some real skin in the game things will calm down a lot. Look at Afghanistan these days. Not perfect but so much better than 3 years ago. I read a lot of blogs written by the Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan and am amazed by their upbeat and positive attitude. Here in the states we hear nothing but doom and gloom about the situation over there. It seems that every politician in Washington feels the need to weigh in with his or her comments in front of the TV cameras. Since the elections are over its back to being very divided on this war on terror. I would love to hear just one politician that is calling for Rumsfeld to resign tell us who they feel should run the Defense department. Rumsfeld has made mistakes. So has the Bush administration. We kept hearing that the country needed a change but what kind of a change? Change just for the sake of change is nuts. Change should always be to better a situation. I guess that’s what we deserve when we elect career politicians to Washington...
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