Social Security Broken...
What’s the harm in having hearings to see what the options are regarding Social Security reform? How can anyone in his or her right mind think it can remain the way it is now forever? Many who are opposed are afraid that their benefits will be cut. There are people like me who feel they will never see a dime when they retire. Means testing is a really bad idea. Expecting people to pay in and then be told they already have enough money to live on so they don’t get check. Who will decide what is enough? Why should someone who has made the decision to invest in IRA and 401K accounts pay for the person that spent all they made, ran up huge debts on their credit cards, and used their house like a piggy bank? Do they need to raise the age that a person can begin collecting? I think the investment account option may be a good solution. This way the money can grow unlike now where Congress spends all the money that is left over after benefits have been paid out. It will also keep money going into the stock market to help offset the money being taken out of retirement account by those already retired. Can we believe that it will be broke by 2045? What if in 5 years they tell us… “Opps… it will be broke in 2020, we made a mistake”? Congress would be doing us all a favor to create a committee to look into the options…